Conditional and Iterative Control in PL/SQL
Assignments and Expressions in PL/SQL
Fundamentals of PL/SQL
PL/SQL Architecture and Block Structure
Introduction to PL/SQL
Set Operators in Oracle: Union, Intersect, and Minus
Joining Tables in Oracle: A Comprehensive Guide
Functions in Oracle Database
COMMIT and ROLLBACK in Oracle Database
Managing Privileges with GRANT and REVOKE in Oracle DB
Indexes in Oracle SQL: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Views in Oracle SQL
Aggregate Functions and Grouping in Oracle SQL
Handling NULL Values and Ordering Results in SQL
Matching Patterns in SQL: The LIKE Operator
Conditional Retrieval of Rows in SQL: The WHERE Clause
Basics ALTER TABLE Command in Oracle SQL
Deleting Records in SQL
Updating Records Table using SQL
Inserting Data into a Table in Oracle SQL: A Comprehensive Guide