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Functions in Oracle Database

Oracle Database offers a rich set of built-in functions to perform various operations on data. These functions can be categorized into several types:

1. Arithmetic Functions

Arithmetic functions are used to perform mathematical calculations on numeric data.


  • ABS(number): Returns the absolute value of a number.

  • CEIL(number): Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.

  • FLOOR(number): Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number.

  • MOD(number1, number2): Returns the remainder of number1 divided by number2.

  • ROUND(number, precision): Rounds a number to the specified precision.

  • TRUNC(number, precision): Truncates a number to the specified precision.


SELECT ABS(-10), CEIL(3.14), FLOOR(3.14), MOD(10, 3), ROUND(3.14159, 2), TRUNC(3.14159, 2) FROM DUAL;

2. Character Functions

Character functions are used to manipulate character strings.


  • CONCAT(str1, str2): Concatenates two strings.

  • LENGTH(str): Returns the length of a string.

  • SUBSTR(str, start_position, length): Extracts a substring from a string.

  • UPPER(str): Converts a string to uppercase.

  • LOWER(str): Converts a string to lowercase.

  • INITCAP(str): Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string.


SELECT CONCAT('Hello', ' World'), LENGTH('Oracle'), SUBSTR('Oracle Database', 4, 7), UPPER('oracle'), LOWER('ORACLE'), INITCAP('oracle database') FROM DUAL;

3. Date Functions

Date functions are used to manipulate date and time values.


  • SYSDATE: Returns the current system date and time.

  • ADD_MONTHS(date, number): Adds a specified number of months to a date.

  • LAST_DAY(date): Returns the last day of the month for a given date.

  • MONTHS_BETWEEN(date1, date2): Calculates the number of months between two dates.



4. Group Functions

Group functions are used to perform calculations on groups of rows.


  • COUNT(*): Counts the number of rows.

  • SUM(column_name): Calculates the sum of values in a column.

  • AVG(column_name): Calculates the average of values in a column.

  • MIN(column_name): Returns the minimum value in a column.

  • MAX(column_name): Returns the maximum value in a column.


SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(salary), AVG(salary), MIN(salary), MAX(salary) FROM employees;

By mastering these functions, you can write complex and efficient SQL queries to extract valuable insights from your data.

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